The Mission of the Institute is to work with others to establish the field of interspecies connections.  It seeks to do so by: • Encouraging studies at the Masters and Doctoral level to explore and document various forms of interspecies onnections and the gifts this knowledge brings to humankind. • Researching communication -- verbal and nonverbal -- between humans and animals, between different species of animals, and between humans and other forms of nature. • Creating a website and library to collect stories and studies from around the world that demonstrate interspecies relationship. • Exploring the spiritual enrichment of interspecies connections and the effects on the mental, emotional, physical health of humans from developing empathetic communication with nature. The Institute will collect the work of pioneers in the field of the interspecies communication, such as John Lily, Jane Goodall, Jim Nollman, Rupert Sheldrake, Virginia Coyle, Joan Ocean, Penny Patterson and the gorillas Koko and Michael, Roger and Deborah Fouts, and Penelope Smith. The Institute will develop courses at Wisdom University and also convene a series of meetings leading up to an international conference on interspecies connections. Find out more about Wisdom University...
Wisdom is a way of life.
Wisdom University  and the Institute of Interspecies Connection .
“Open your heart - feel the spirit - see the beauty”
Interspecies Connection Worldwide
All species. One Planet. One Vision
Karin Freiling with Jim Garrison, laeder of Wisdom University